My Top Five Essential Oils

Determining which essential oils to buy when you are first beginning to experiment with them can be overwhelming. There are 100’s of oils available and it can be hard to narrow down–especially when you aren’t looking to spend a ton of money right away.

Here are my five favorites:

Lavender – I don’t think this one will come as a surprise. Lavender is a very common oil, but for good reason! It is used in so many different recipes and concoctions. Most notably though, Lavender is an incredibly calming, soothing oil and is often the oil I reach for at night time.

Eucalyptus – Ahhh, one of my favorite, refreshing oils. Eucalyptus reminds me of a spa. There are many uses for this one as well, one of my favorites is to add a few drops to the shower and let it steam up.

Frankincense – One thing that got me excited about oils was being able to do some DIY skin care (more to come in the future!). Frank is your friend for skincare! What this oil lacks in desirable scent (it’s not bad, but not great), it makes up for in uses. A must-have in my opinion for anyone looking to create skin serum, face wash, etc.!

Grapefruit – My favorite citrus oil! Grapefruit smells so light and refreshing. It is the perfect oil to pop in the diffuser right away in the morning to help energize yourself.

Peppermint – Yum! I love the smell of Peppermint. It is a great cooling oil and also great for some DIY bug sprays. Not to mention, the holiday season is quickly approaching and this will be perfect for holiday diffuser blends.

I hope my picks help kickstart your oil collection or give you new ideas for an already started collection. What are your top five oils?

Thanks for reading!



  1. Great list! My top 5 oils are Lavender, Cedarwood, Tea Tree, Sleep Ease blend from Edens Garden, and Grapefruit!

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